A Picture’s Worth 1000 Words

| November 17, 2016

I’m taking a short vacation so….

... I thought I'd share a few great pictures instead of my usual blog.

… I thought I’d share a few great pictures instead of my usual blog.

Our new picnic blanket...

Our new picnic blanket…







Forts are awesome!

Forts are awesome!

We love the new outdoor equipment!

We love the new outdoor equipment!

Or really anything outside.

Or really anything outside.

It's so beautiful this time of year.

It’s so beautiful this time of year.

Though we recognize sometimes you have to buckle down and get to work.

Though we recognize sometimes you have to buckle down and get to work.

Of course work for us is puzzles...

Of course work for us is puzzles…

and games...

and games… It’s a good life.


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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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