“All You Need Is Love”

| February 17, 2017

What an epic week! We rocked out with Ms. Marcia on Monday, checking out her super cool instrument collection and singing classic rock songs.

Can you spot Ms. Marcia?

On Tuesday we celebrated the love filled holiday that is Valentine’s Day with a party and a massive card exchange. We got so much good stuff, we had a second party on Wednesday for our 3 days a week friends.

We love cupcakes! (No one mentioned they were made out of beets.)

We also made Valentine’s Day cards for our parents. We marbled paper, wrote nice notes, and made hearts out of felt and pipe cleaners.

Who knew colored chalk would stain so bad?!

We also made a heart banner group project to hang in the hallway.

Sponge painting is fun, but MESSY!

Meanwhile, we were still talking about insects and spiders and started a new caterpillar painting project using sections of egg cartons.

We love multi-step art projects!

The highlight of the week, though, had to be our visit with Ms. Maddy’s new puppy, Peanut.

What a good puppy to allow himself to be passed around and handled without so much as a peep!

Finally a few fun pictures from the week.

Yes… she taped a heart to her forehead.

Reading to her friends on the playground.

Sweeping the sidewalk is fun!

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Puzzles are one of our most popular works.

Careful counting makes for a successful challenge completion.




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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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