Alphabet Soup

| September 23, 2016

This week we’re delving into the literary world of letter recognition, phonetics, and writing the alphabet.

We painted a letter mural on the playground. Though the rain was unfortunate.

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We also created some mixed media collage materials using our scraps and scissors and then added U and V to our classroom alphabet display…

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One of the fun rainy day activities we enjoyed was musical chairs. It’s a great way to hone our listening skills and work the gross motor skills.


We’re also practicing the phonetics version of the Alphabet Song. It’s harder than it sounds.


We celebrated yet another birthday this week. Yay for Livia!

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In honor of Fall, we created a leaf mural and a leaf rubbing picture as group projects.



We had such a great week. Here’s proof.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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