Around the World (05/30/17 to 06/02/17)

| June 6, 2017

This week in Children’s House 2-1 we learned about the world and all the amazing countries that exists around the globe. Some of the projects the children completed were making their own crowns in honor of Europe and lanterns to represent Asia. We will be hanging the lanterns in the classroom so the children can enjoy them every day! We also had fun with our own iceberg made out of blue food dye and frozen water that the children helped create. The
In addition the children continue to work on their writing and addition challenges. Many of them are quickly learning how to write their first as well as their last names and are becoming more prepared for kinder-garden every day. The children are also starting to learn how to tell time and are greatly enjoying learning a new skills to further aid them in their life.
Sadly today we said goodbye to one of our friends, Luke who is moving on to kinder-garden. In addition Robert’s last day will be Friday. We will miss both of them but are excited to see them moving on to new schools and making new friends.







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Category: Preschool Room 1

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