Art, Earth Day, and Fun!

| April 21, 2017

I’m not going to sugarcoat this, we flat out didn’t start our intended theme this week because I never made it to the library, but for sure I will this weekend so we’ll start Wacky Weather on Monday. Please feel fre to bring in any books, puzzles, or games you may have on the subject to enhance our study.

Now back to what we DID do this week. Art! We made a mixed media collage, painted, and made paper lanterns out of scraps from an old art project.

Our group project was a multi day endeavor and we STILL haven’t finished!

We did smeared paint prints. They’re on display in the classroom.

For Earth Day we discussed the things we can do on a daily basis to reduce our carbon foot print. We also rededicated ourselves to recycling both the paper and plastic from our food and the scraps that fall on the floor. The chickens LOVE us!

This was also a week of fun and games.

We played Musical Chairs.


And Jenga.


We did activity songs, like “We are the Dinosaurs” and “Listen and Move.”


We love to do reading comprehension and phonetics games with books.

Finally a few fun pictures!

Rock and Roll, baby!


Under the tree story time is my favorite! 


Don’t ask.


Legoes rule!


Puzzle time!



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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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