Back To The School Year

| September 4, 2018

Last week CH-2 began their first week of the academic year. The class continued to work on their letter of the week E and also started on their challenges. Several of the challenges completed included writing their names and reviewing their letters.

The class also reviewed and for some learned their primary and secondary colors through a science experiment where they were able to mix primary colors in teams to see what secondary colors the mixture became. Everyone particularly enjoyed watching the chemical reaction when the baking soda was added.

For art the class began a college titled “All About Me”  on Friday. The children are going to bring pictures of themselves and family as well as cut out pictures from magazines to create a college that showcases their personalities and interests. The class is excited to see how the colleges will turn out.

Finally the class welcomed two new students to CH-2 this past week. Winnie and Lara started their first day on Monday and they have been a delight and welcomed addition to our classroom. We look forward to seeing them grow and learn!


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Category: Preschool Room 2

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