Blast off!

| May 12, 2016

We have finished the alphabet, counted past 50, learned how to add and now we are learning about space! All the kids love talking about outer space. We have one book that we have been reading all week. It has descriptions of the planets, sun and moon. We also enjoyed a book about living in space and what it takes to be an astronaut. The class learned about constellations. We discussed different constellations and how if wemusic class pretend the stars connect, that how we see the picture. A fun activity to do before bedtime would be to take your child outside and look for constellations and even make up your own! See if you can find a shooting star! Have them report back on Monday if they found or made any.

Friday, May 13th will be PAJAMA day at Montessori Academy of Carrboro. Don’t worry if your little one doesn’t want to wear theirs, not everyone has to participate!

As always thank you for your support and encouragement!

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Category: Transition Room 2

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