Celebrating Mothers

| May 14, 2017

This week in Children’s House 2-1 we were busy learning new songs in circle time and making special gifts for our moms to celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend. Miss Ebony taught our class several new songs that the children greatly enjoyed learning. This gave the children a chance to learn some new ways to exercise that are easy and fun!
The children also got to expand their creativity by working on cards for Mother’s Day. Each child’s picture was taken and then glued on their individual cards. Next the children glued hearts next to their pictures. Cookies were also baked to be included with the card as a thank you for all that they do.
In addition the children continue to work on their challenges and are improving each day. They are working together to complete various challenges as well as working individually. This week many of the children are working on such challenges as numbers and letters.

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Category: Preschool Room 2

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