Character Matters

| October 7, 2016

Not to blame hormones, but our heavily testosterone laden class sometimes needs reminding that we use gentle hands with our friends and girls don’t always like to be chased. After a few unfortunate incidents it was decided that we had to scrap plans to start our scientific study of animals and spend a week working on our manners and conflict resolution skills. We read many stories about the subject and had lots of talks. By the end of the week, we felt a marked difference in the room’s energy. Sometimes we just need to take a minute to remember that life is better when we all respect each other’s feelings.

Which left time for plenty of artistic expression. We painted with watercolors, sponges, finger paint, molded with play doh, and even made pumpkins!

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Making pumpkins was the most popular art activity of the week!

Making pumpkins was the most popular art activity of the week!

We sponge painted with leaf shapes and fall colors.

We sponge painted with leaf shapes and fall colors.

Finger painting is fun as long as you don't mind getting dirty.

Finger painting is fun as long as you don’t mind getting dirty.

We also love to move our bodies. Ms. Brittany scored a big hit when she suggested Duck, Duck, Goose on the playground.

A classic!

A classic!

You can never go wrong with a rainy day dance party!

You can never go wrong with a rainy day dance party!

Finally, a few fun pictures from the week.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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