
| April 18, 2016

070Asia was our next continent in our study of the world.  While Asia is huge, it was easy to narrow down which country to study, because our student Maggie hails from China. She brought in a wonderful informative show and share about pandas and we read our classroom’s panda book.  For folk tales, we read a story of Cat and Rat and how the Chinese zodiac was determined by a race.  We also looked at book about Yangtze, found Asia and China on our maps and atlases and found Asia on the globe.  For true stories, we read selections of  watercolorists Elizabeth Quan’s memoirs, Once Upon a Full Moon and Under the Moongate. Almost 100 years ago, when Quan was 5, her family left Canada to visit her grandmother in China for two years.  She took a train, a ferry, a steamship and many other forms of transportation. Our students love transportation so even though the chapters of the book were fairly long, they were utterly entranced.  When we finish our study of China, we’ll be taking a break from continents to study Spring ponds before finishing the year with Australia.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 1

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