Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day

| February 11, 2016

It was a busy week of special days and we enjoyed every minute! First we decided we couldn’t let Chinese New Year go by without creating one of the best things about it… a Dragon!


We started with recycled egg cartons. After cutting them to size, (a tedious, messy job!) we painted each tiny cup red.

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Then we glued them in pairs along a slithery snake like line of glue. One of the challenges was getting the glue amount right. Too much and it would get too heavy, too little and it would fall apart.  After that we let it dry overnight and added bling the next day. Last we painted fireworks and “Happy Chinese New Year” on it and, of course, added a tongue and some goggly eyes.



We also painted really cool lucky trees that have temporarily become our cubby name tags. We were pleased at how nicely they turned out.IMG_1167 IMG_1169

Next we turned our attention to Valentine’s Day. Since it’s a holiday all about showing love for the people in your life, we knew that meant creating beautiful cards and flowers.

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And, as always, I’ll end with a few fun pictures from the week…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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