Countdown to Winter Break Begins!

| December 16, 2015

What a wonderful, frenzied week of super busy preparations for the season’s festivities, not the least of which is my BIRTHDAY! Needless to say, we’re ready to party… Step one: Make the room pretty with holiday/party bling.

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Step two: Make art. We did a multi-day project that included coffee filters, markers, a spray bottle of water, scissors, and, of course, imagination and fine motor skills. First we colored the filters, spritzed them with water, waited for them to dry.IMG_0266

Then we folded them in a special way (technically I did that!) and started snipping. It wasn’t as easy as I had originally assumed cutting coffee filters would be, but we managed with a little help and luckily didn’t mutilate them beyond all help. (Though some of us came close.)











Another project (that many of us found too challenging, but some of us tried) was the classic craft of gluing two tongue depressors together in an X formation and weaving yarn in and out of the spokes to create a star. Special kudos to Shane, Kennedy, and Noah for stepping up to the challenge!


These were a favorite of mine when I was young, though not as young as these guys are now so, again, I’m very proud of those who were even willing to try. You know me… if it exercises the fine motor skills, I want my kids to do it. Make sure you take the time to see the end result on the classroom tree!

Last, but not least, we loved that I brought in some bubbles and went crazy jumping around after them. (Not sure why I thought the middle of lunch as a good time for this!)












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