Counting down to the Holidays

| December 4, 2015

Last week MSonyaiss Hayley was out and the lovely Miss Kendalyn stepped in and taught the kids all about thanksgiving, did many crafts and overall had a blast at Montessori! This week is the first week of the month where CH 1 -2 focuses on math. We used the abacus and frosted mini wheats to count and add. We are also introducing Hanukkah and Christmas. Next week will be
super special because we have Aleza (Abby and Ethans mom) coming in to teach us all about Hanukkah.

We have a classroom elf! Her name is Charlie and the children named her! We read Elf on the Shelf and everyone is very excited. In the mornings they might want to look for her but remember we can’t touch her or she looses her magic!

CH 1-2 hopes that everyone has a fabulous week!

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Category: Transition Room 2

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