Counting our way to the top

| April 4, 2016

This week in Montessori Children’s House 1-2 it is all about numbers! We are doing a counting and adding review. We will also learn about subtracting and counting by tens. Every morning during morning circle we will all count to 50. Repetition is great for remembering the order of numbers. Tuesday will be the day we review adding and learn subtracting. We will use edible objects to learn subtracting. It should be a big hit! We will also practice counting back from 20 this week. They all knliviaow how to count back from 10 but as always those tricky teens always get us confused!

Miss Hayley has implemented a new system in our classroom! Each day, Miss Hayley decides if we get a smiley face or a sad face on our weekly chart. If we follow all the classroom rules and use our nice words with our teachers and friends we will get a smiley face! If it turns out to be a difficult day without our listening ears then we will get a sad face. Three smiley faces in a week and we will be able to enjoy Fun Friday with a craft and dance party. If for some reason we don’t have three smiley faces by Friday then we will have a regular Friday without our Fun Friday celebrations.

As always thank you for your support and encouragement,

CH 1-2

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