Dancing Ducks!

| September 30, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1, we focused on the letter D. We first began our week talking about dogs. We read a book that was all about dogs and looked at different kinds of dogs. We also discussed drums and how we use them for music. We made different drum sounds all week long. The ducks were the toddlers favorite part of the week. We worked on waddling and quacking like ducks which turned into a Duck Dance. We read books on ducks and sang our favorite  duck song , “Five Little Ducks”. For art, we made handprint yellow ducks. We then talked all about dinosaurs. We read a book on dinosaurs and colored a beautiful picture of dinosaurs. Lastly, we had a big dance party and we talked all about donuts. We did a doughnut craft which we were able to put our “paint frosting” and sprinkles on our craft. The toddlers enjoyed this so much and felt so creative when decorating their doughnut.img_9755 img_7783 img_8226 img_4428

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