Decking the Halls!

| December 9, 2015

Here in Children’s House 2-2, we are busy making our room festive and beautiful for the holiday season. We’re especially proud of the tree made entirely from our hands and hope you take a moment to look at it! It was a three day process, but worth every second of effort!

First step... what felt like hundreds of handprints!

First step… what felt like hundreds of handprints!







Second step... Assembling the tree after cutting out the prints.

Second step… Assembling the tree after cutting out the prints.











Step three... Add the decorations. Ornaments painted by Lea, Robert, and Dawson.

Step three… Add the decorations. Ornaments painted by Lea, Robert, and Dawson.











Step four... Taking a selfie with our creation before it gets put up.

Step four… Taking a selfie with our creation before it gets put up.











Another holiday must do: snowflakes! (Never mind how rarely we have a white Christmas in North Carolina.) As a preschool teacher, my favorite thing about creating snowflakes is how unique and beautiful they turn out. That and what a great activity cutting is for fine motor skills development!
















In fact, we enjoyed cutting so much that it’s not unusual to see us in a group around the recycle bin cutting away at anything we can find.











We’re all about developing those fine motor skills at this age. A lot of us are ready to start writing and we’ve been working hard to perfect each letter. But our favorite way to work our fingers… Play doh, of course!










Lastly we want to do our part to decorate the lobby tree so we set to work on some really cool ornaments with our go to artistic technique… mixed media collage.

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