Dinosaur Hunters!

| May 5, 2017

This was a theme that easily got the majority vote as it’s always fun to dig in and discover dinosaurs! We got a bunch of books on the subject from the library that we’ve been studying. Plus we made a giant dinosaur footprint poster and a T-Rex skeleton. Then on Friday we made maracas in honor of Cinco de Mayo.

We started the week as we always do with MUSIC!


This cool “dinosaur world” was a new work we got to explore all week.


We dug up dinosaur eggs from the mulch and found small dinosaurs inside.


Our dinosaur library books are awesome. We got to read them all by the end of the week.


These are the bones of our skeleton of a T-Rex!


We have a huge sheet with a skull on it to create a giant dinosaur.

And finally a few fun pictures from the week.

Ms. Maddy demonstrates Grayson’s Show and Tell.


Is it a fish or a rocketship?


What’s better than cozy corner and a giant book? NOTHING!


Just hanging around on the playground…


If anything motivates us to learn how to read, it’s fascinating creatures like dinosaurs.




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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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