Dinosaur Hunters!

| May 19, 2017

Though much of this week was dominated by the assessments that always precede parent teacher conferences, we were still able to enjoy our dinosaur theme and have lots of fun!

First we cut and sorted out the dinosaur bones.


Slowly it came together.


And then it was finished. Can you tell we used this t-shirt for inspiration?

We have some new works and books that we love so much.

Zoob tubes are awesome, but delicate.

We don’t just exercise our brains… we exercise our bodies, too!

We all did the exercise challenge this week!

We celebrated Landon’s 5th birthday, though you should have seen our faces when we realized that his mom brought fruit instead of cupcakes. Priceless!

Happy birthday, Landon!


Finally, a few fun pictures from the week.

Let’s get physical!


We love a good picnic!












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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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