Dinosaurs Galore

| March 19, 2018

We travelled back in time this week as we explored the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods (otherwise known as the Mesozoic Era) which, of course, is the time of the dinosaurs.

Our Dinosaur Dance Party was one of the most popular art activities of the week. You can see the mural we made in the hallway.

We worked on our fine motor skills by cutting and coloring our own books about dinosaurs.

Another project we enjoyed was making a fact poster about Dinosaurs that is now on display in the classroom.

First we mixed the paint colors to mimic the mud and dirt the dinosaurs walked in to make prints.

Then we made dinosaur tracks by carefully placing them on some mural paper.

Then we wrote and pasted the facts about Dinosaurs onto our mural.

Then on Friday, we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day as well as Naseer’s 4th birthday.

Naseer enjoyed his walk around the sun.

We also laced dinosaurs with string. This is good for fine motor skills.

While outside, we enjoyed digging in the sand to find dinosaurs just like real paleontologists.

We love it when we get to take out our tent.

Love this face!




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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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