“Duck for President”

| November 11, 2016

On Monday, we were excited, filled with hope, and ready for the election. On Tuesday, we were still excited, filled with hope, and ready for the results. We talked about our community, practiced voting and read “Duck for President.” It’s a story about a duck who doesn’t like his working conditions so he decides to run for Farmer Brown’s job. He wins by a couple of votes, but then realizes how hard the job is and decides instead to run for Governor, winning once again by the slimmest of margins. Once he figures out that job also sucks, he decides to run for President, winning by the slimmest margin in history. You can guess the rest. He realizes that he can’t handle the work load and heads back to farm, taking back over his old job. Wednesday morning, I woke up to the news that duck won the presidency in real life.

Wednesday was a blur.

Thursday I pulled myself together and we enjoyed the next two days immensely. I wish I had the pictures to show you, but I couldn’t get them to load. We built a fort, created art, played monopoly, had a picnic, etc.


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