Earth Day Expanded

| April 30, 2018

We spent the week talking about reducing, reusing, and recycling as ways to reduce our carbon footprint and preserve our environment.

We made our own Earth Day puzzles.

We played a categorizing game where we figured out what items belong in the recycle bin, the thrift store bin, or the trash bin.

We went on a nature scavenger hunt.

We read the book “The Lorax” and then made Truffula Trees.

We pressed freshly cut flowers.

We repotted some plants.

We also did some non-nature related things.

We had Show and Tell.

We painted.

We started translating a book from German to English.

We drew pictures to make a cool mural from special pens.

We worked on puzzles.

We played with our classroom animals.

We even did the occasional challenge, even though it was a challenge week.

We played with Ms. Maddy’s new reading glasses.

We acted silly.


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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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