Earth Day Week

| April 23, 2017

In Children’s House 2-1 the children are working on their challenges and their writing skills. They are also working on simple skills such as hand eye coordination and expanding their creativity through fun academic activities such as Play-dough. The older children are busy preparing for kindergarden through academic challenges that help them improve their writing skills. The younger ones continue to practice writing their names and other simple manipulative skills.

The children are also working on their numbers and counting. The children continue to enjoy playing several new games we introduced last week. One of the games is Tic-Tac-Toe and other is the Jamaican game called Ludo. The games are a great way for the children to learn how to think in different ways as well as learning how to play fairly with others.

This week we learned about Earth Day and discussed what the earth is made up of as well as learning the importance of keeping our environment clean. In addition our children learned a song about the earth and how it is our home.

Hashtag: Earth, Ludo, activities













Category: Preschool Room 1

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