Everything Strawberries

| April 29, 2016

This week was al about reviewing our ABCs. We had new flash cards with the letter and a picture. Our toddlers did so great at our Picture and letter association. Since it is strawberry season, we focused on the color red and everything strawberries. We made a Strawberry Handprint CraftIMG_1120IMG_1081 and read the book, The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear. We then ate strawberries and used our five senses to describe the strawberries; it looked red, it felt hard, it tasted sweet, it smelled yummy, and it did not make a sound. We also used a sensory touch bag to make an Earth, for Earth Day that was last Friday. For Science Wednesday, we made obey gooey green slime.
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Category: Toddler, Toddler Room 1

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