Exchanging Valentines and Turning 5!

| February 17, 2016

The craziness continues as we go from one special occasion to the next. We shared Valentine’s Day cards with each other and baked chocolate chip cookies for our party on Friday, had a fun stay at home snow day on Monday, barely caught our breath on Tuesday and celebrated the twins’ birthday on Wednesday…

The final touch was a spritz of Japanese Cherry Blossom!

The final touch was a spritz of Japanese Cherry Blossom!

Our Valentine's Day party was awesome!

Our Valentine’s Day party was awesome!


We love board games! Great for working on social skills...

We love board games! Great for working on social skills…


One of our favorite crafts!

One of our favorite crafts!

We also enjoyed a jello treat in honor of Shane and Kennedy’s 5th birthday. Lea, you’re next!


Lastly, a few fun pics…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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