Favorite Things Week

| August 27, 2018

It’s obvious what this week was all about… the things we love to do in the classroom the absolute most. For Ms. Maddy this week was about spending an hour in the library finding all the books she loves best to read.

Eating yummy watermelon!

We love working with our pottery wheel the best!

We always enjoy making mixed media collages.

We love our guinea pigs!

Painting is our favorite!

We can’t get enough of our gloop sensory table.

Play doh is a classic!

You know it’s a special day when we get to play with the kitchen box. Who wants pizza!?

Potting plants is at least Ms. Maddy’s favorite.

We love doing works!

Puzzles are the best.

Taking selfies is everyone’s favorite. 🙂

Best of all, we got to celebrate a birthday!


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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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