First Daze of School

| August 29, 2016

What a fun first week! We got back to basics this week as welcomed several new friends and helped them learn all about our classroom. First, we take care of our environment…

Plant care is an important part of any Montessori classroom.

Plant care is an important part of any Montessori classroom.

We also practiced things like letter/name recognition, phonetics, and handwriting…

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We take care of our minds and our bodies….

We call this game ABC Exercises!

We call this game ABC Exercises!

We celebrate each other’s special days. Happy Birthday, friend!


We also enjoyed a lot of creative activities. We looove being creative!

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We came up with this great idea to build a block tower from the floor all the way to the ceiling! We tried and failed, TWICE.

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Oh, and we also did some academic challenges…

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Fun shots from the week…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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