Five Minutes of Funk

| July 15, 2016

What a cool week looking back on music through the ages! We studied the science of music, watched a cool video that took us on a musical journey from 500 BC to 201o. Wow, are we ever glad we’re part of this generation, especially when Ms. Maddy showed us 8 tracks and records and we realized how easy we have it.

But before we show you our big project for the week, we wanted to show you the thank you card we made for the firefighters who visited last week.

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Our biggest accomplishment of the week was transforming our cool planet Earth into a super old school mirrored disco ball. This project was so multi-step we actually started last Friday by painting it.

Unfortunately we also got paint on everything in the immediate area!

Unfortunately we also got paint on everything in the immediate area!

If Ms. Maddy had only kept us far from the books, puppets, and dress ups!

If Ms. Maddy had only kept us far from the books, puppets, and dress ups!

It dried over the weekend and by Monday morning it was ready to start applying the reflective squares.

We started slow and feared we'd never get done.

We started slow and feared we’d never get done.

But little by little, we made progress...

But little by little, we made progress…

We worked in the morning and the afternoon.

We worked in the morning and the afternoon.

Until finally we had covered every inch.

Until finally we had covered every inch.

At last we got it hung!!!

At last we got it hung!!!

We got to make tie dye shirts, a task only some of us enjoyed, but all of us liked the final results.

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We enjoyed Splash Day and Music Class as always…

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We got through our challenges, too, and several of us earned our treasure box dips!

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And then it was the moment we’d all been waiting for… our awesome disco dance party complete with strobe lights and some rockin’ beats.

This picture doesn't do it justice, but we couldn't get the video to upload!

This picture doesn’t do it justice, but we couldn’t get the video to upload!

A few fun pictures from the week…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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