From Snowmen to Sunbathing in 48 hrs…

| January 13, 2017

What can you say about a week like this? We had a slow start and low numbers as several inches of snow blanketed our school over the weekend, but WE LOVED IT!

Even though we had to warm a lot of frozen fingers, we did get a lot of challenges done as the week went on, even those of us who are not usually so inclined.

And then low and behold, a miracle happened. The clouds parted, the sun came out, and we found ourselves once again in short sleeves enjoying picnic lunches and drawing pictures outside.

We did a lot of free choice art, painting, drawing, etc, but my favorite project of the week was our Unity banner that now hangs in the hallway.

Enjoy Martin Luther King Day!

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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