Giving Thanks…

| November 24, 2015

As one of our favorite holidays for crafts, we had a busy week in Children’s House 2-2. To go with our colorful vests from last week, we made equally colorful head dresses. We looked at pictures of Native Americans and talked about the history of Thanksgiving for inspiration. Here’s the result!

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In the holiday spirit, we also began work on our gifts that we will be presenting to our families next month. We’d like to share, but it’s super top secret so we’ll only release limited pictures.IMG_9844

















That’s only the beginning. We’ll be busy throughout the coming weeks making all your holiday dreams come true.

Overall, we’ve been hard at work exercising and mastering our complex bodies and brains. We play lots of games designed to strengthen our language acquisition skills and our memories, like phonetics and sensory games. Below is a picture of one of our favorite activities using blindfolds and bags filled with interesting things. We use our sense of touch and memory with mixed results.










We also strengthen our fingers so we can learn the fine art of writing and drawing. We work those fine motor skills every day in all sorts of ways. Here’s a few pictures of us just to give you an idea…IMG_9830 IMG_9834 IMG_9857 IMG_9888 IMG_9890























We build and glue and create and write and enjoy our ever growing skills.

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving and we’ll see you next week!

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Category: Academy News and Info, Preschool Room 2

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