Goodbye January

| February 4, 2019

We’ve had a busy month! Between injured guinea pigs and cold temperatures, we’re ready to let time march on by and look forward to the festivities in store for the month of February.

Slime table is always popular.
Mondays with Ms. Danni make us happy.
Puzzles are a favorite. The harder the better!
We’re making pizza crust!
Eating healthy foods is important to our growing bodies.
Twist and Shout!
Challenges are a great way to work on our academic skills.
Yoga class is the best!
When bigger kids help the smaller kids, my heart is happy.
Metta gives Taylor the phonetics challenge.
3D art is so cool.
We love painting with watercolors.
The kids came up with an impromptu activity… painting the rocks we found on the playground.
Close up picture of our rock painting project.
We always enjoy having the easel out.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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