Grapes and Garbage Trucks

| October 21, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1, we learned all about the letter G! We began the week off reading a book that had G words and pictures in it. We then talked about Garbage trucks. The toddlers love to see the garbage truck when it goes down the street. We talked about the garbage truck job and how it helps us with our trash. For our craft, we glued our trash onto our yellow garbage truck picture.We then talked about animals that begin with G such as giraffes, gazelles, goats, and gorillas. We read a Safari book that had moving pictures that the toddlers enjoyed so much. The toddlers enjoyed learning about Gumball machines too. We showed them different pictures of Gumball machines and told them how we can get our own special prizes out of them. We made our own Gumball machines and used stickers as our gum balls. We ended the week with grapes and goldfish. We ate goldfish and did some grape art. This week was a very fun and busy week for the toddlers. We also welcomed a new friend come to our class, Toby. Also, we said goodbye to our dearest friend Karsen!img_5437 img_0742 img_2872 img_0803

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