Guinea Pigs Are Fragile

| January 22, 2019

We learned a valuable lesson this week on how easily our beloved guinea pigs can get injured and ill. Poor Bullwinkle got dropped, breaking off his 2 front teeth too short for him to properly eat. He soon got a respiratory infection and lost tons of weight. Two expensive visits to the vet later, he is on the rebound and must be hand fed until his teeth grow back in. In the meantime, Rocky hasn’t gotten as much attention and now how some sort of skin infection himself. If you’re willing to donate to our guinea pig fund, it would be much appreciated.

It takes FOREVER to get him to finish the tube. 🙁
Lots of love is also excellent for healing,
Poor Rocky and Bullwinkle have been through a lot.

We honor you Dr. King.
Looking col in shark sunglasses.
Daddy story time is the BEST.
We love challenging puzzles.
What an exhausting week.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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