H is for Halloween

| November 1, 2016

The last two weeks have been about the letter h and Halloween. During h week, we learned about the heart and what its purpose is in our body. We compared pictures of an actual heart and the heart shape. We had a classroom discussion on the differences and how one heart was for pumping blood through our body and the other was a symbol for love. We also learned that h was for helping hands and we talked about how to be good helpers at school and at home.

Last week was focused on Halloween. We made many crafts one being our paper plate monster (covered in glitter) which can be taken home now. We did a really awesome activity where we made green slime out of cornstarch and water! It was super easy and super fun. On Friday, we had a dance party and made frosting covered graham crackers with Halloween sprinkles. All week we listened to Halloween music!

It has been a really exciting two weeks and Miss Hayley is looking forward to going back to normal scheduling. As a reminder, our schedule has been pushed back 15 minutes to accommodate our late arrivals. We will stay outside until 8:45 and have snack until 9:15.


As always thank you for your support and encouragement!

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