Halloween Week & Space

| November 4, 2016

What a week for a ton of fun. We started our week by ending the month of October with Halloween! We dressed in out Halloween best and went trick or treating around school.. needless to say we got tons of goodies! We then started talking all about space. We talked about how some planets are really close to the sun and how they are way to hot to live on, then we talked about how some planets are really far away from the sun, so they are to cold to live on.  We learned about the man on the moon and how he paints the moon everyday so that it looks different and that it takes a whole month to paint , erase and repaint the whole thing! We made constellations with yummy marshmallows and we created our own planets along with stars! We are finishing off the week with a dance party and a ton of outside time.14959117_666436353528859_1261209662_o

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