Happy Holidays!

| December 18, 2017

We had another great week in the Toddler 2 class last week.  We played musical instruments, did yoga and did our Montessori Work Cycle.  We learned the sign language sign for “help.”  For our craft, we made Menorahs using popsicle sticks in celebration of Hanukkah.

This week is our last week of school for 2017!  We plan on having lots of fun doing holiday crafts, coloring, listening to music, reading books, and more!  We are having lots of fun with our Dress Up days every day this week!  Today is Sports and/or College Day.  Tuesday is Heroes vs. Villains Day.  Wednesday is Favorite Character Day.  Thursday is Holiday Outfit Day.  And we are ending the week with Pajama Day on Friday.  We are very sad to say goodbye to our friends Asher and Ariana who are moving up out of our class to the Transition Room!  We are very excited for them, but we will miss them in the Toddler Room!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season and we look forward to a brand new year!


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