Happy Memorial Day!

| May 28, 2019

The Toddler 2 class is having a great time wrapping up the end of the school year! It’s hard to believe we only have 1 week left before our Summer Themes start! We hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend. This past week, we had our last music class for awhile. Music Class will return in July. The toddlers enjoyed doing their Montessori Work Cycle and playing outside. We learned about the color Purple and mixed drops of red and blue food coloring in water to watch it turn purple. Our animal of the week was the Octopus. We also learned how to say “toy” in Sign Language. For our craft, we painted peacocks with Do-A-Dot paint. The summer weather is already here, so please make sure your children have a change of shorts and t-shirts in their cubbies.

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Category: Toddler Room 2

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