Happy New Year!

| January 19, 2016

Renata readingWhat a busy January we have has so far in Children’s House 1-1. WeCH 1-1 Bird Nests have been working on our alphabet and this week we are learning all about the letter “N”. We made bird nests out of scrap materials and mulch, they even have little blue eggs in them! We are continuing our alphabet studies with the letter “O” this week and we will learn all about different words that start with this letter. Miss Ana Maria is teaching us songs in Spanish and it is so much fun! We all love to read and spend a lot of time each day looking at and reading books.

Music Class 2Miss Sharon, our music teacher, taught us a song Lenny 2about an ice cream truck this week and we all took turns “driving” it. The weather has been very cold, but it is always a good time for ice cream.

RichardWe have also welcomed three new friends to our classroom so far this month. Renata, Lenny and Richard are our new friends!


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Category: Transition Room 1

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