Healthy Living

| June 11, 2018

We had a great week of talking about my favorite subject… Good Health! We used old magazines to cut out pictures of people doing healthy things and then we made a mural out of it.

We also evaluated everyone’s lunch to see how well balanced they were.

We did a science experiment to determine which foods contain fats… something that’s in a lot of foods, but that we only should eat a little bit of each day.

We did some healthy habits worksheets.

We did some great exercises.

We made vegetable prints.

We played with our pretend food.

We did a pineapple craft.

We also did a lot of other fun things…

reading in cozy corner

Chalk on the playground

loving each other

We love play doh!


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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2, Uncategorized

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