Humans: An Inside Perspective

| November 4, 2016

This week started with the most awesome Halloween party ever!


These pictures don't do it justice!

These pictures don’t do it justice!

Then we sequed seamlessly from Halloween skeletons into our study of the body, both reptile, mammal, and especially humans.

Skeleton hands!

Skeleton hands!

We also did extremely well on our academic challenges, with some friends making the list for the first time!

Five academic challenges plus good manners challenge equals participating in the marshmallow taffy making activity, great for finger strengthening!

Five academic challenges plus good manners challenge equals participating in the marshmallow taffy making activity, great for finger strengthening!

We listened to our hearts with a real stethoscope.

We listened to our hearts with a real stethoscope.


We made life sized portraits of ourselves and labeled our body parts.

We made life sized portraits of ourselves and labeled our body parts.


We love artistic activities. This week we colored and painted at least a hundred pictures.

Painting on the playground was so cool!

Painting on the playground was so cool!

We love bringing out the chalk!

We love bringing out the chalk!

We enjoyed Show and Tell, as always.

We enjoyed Show and Tell, as always.

Crushing recycling is a popular chore.

Crushing recycling is a popular chore.

A few fun pictures from the week…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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