Igloos and Jellyfish

| November 18, 2016

This past two weeks have been great in Toddler Room 1. We learned about the letters I and J! For letter I, we learned about igloos and ice. We made our own using cotton balls as our medium. We also went over ice cream. We tasted vanilla ice cream and it was so yummy. We made strawberry ice cream handprints. For Veteran’s Day, we did a coloring page the said Happy Veteran’s Day as well. For letter J, we talked about the jungle and did different jungle animal noises. We also talked about jellyfish and how beautiful they can be but they casting you. We made bowl jellyfish using tissue paper and ribbons. Also, we received new fun playground equipment and our toddlers have enjoyed every second of it. We also welcomed our new friend, Willa, to our classroom!img_0297 img_0369 img_0392 img_0355 img_0405

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