In an Octopus’ Garden

| February 3, 2017

Sea life ain’t bad. I can see why so many people retire at the coast. We thoroughly enjoyed our second week exploring the ocean, beach and all that lives around and within.

We worked on an “aquarium” project from the end of last week all the way until today.

First we added one layer of paint on top of a banner that we’d scribbled with white crayon and candle wax.

We added highlights and lowlights of darker and lighter blue. We call this “adding depth.”

Eventually we also added various shades of green and even some glitter. The sprinkling of kosher salt (experimental art technique) failed, but we think the water turned out pretty well.

Meanwhile we created colorful sea life with paper and markers.

Finally cutting it out and gluing it onto the water. We also added a layer of sand at the bottom. Check out the final result on display in the classroom.

Another fun project we did this week was the tide pool. We gathered rocks, sand, and sea life to create a unique interactive learning experience.

First we created the tide pool as a team.

Then we threw on our smocks and got into it up to our elbows.

Another craft we did this week was our floating jellyfish ceiling display. Wanna check it out? Just look up!

It was a tedious process of dipping ribbon in a pool of glue…

…and then we hung it from the ceiling after it dried.

We also played fun games like “Guess Who’s Missing” with sea animals and “Sharkie, Sharkie, Where’s Your Food?” and our usual counting, reading comprehension, and phonetics games using all of our sea life books. Next week: Insects and Spiders!

Finally a few fun pictures from the week.

Puzzle King!

Shark puzzles are even better.

Sand shifting.

Wish we had these clothes when I was a kid!

Just hanging around!

Reading words challenge!

Counting challenge!

Alphabet challenge!

Numbers challenge!


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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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