Into the New Year

| February 9, 2016


Our classroom completed progress assessments in December and we began our new year with a new sense of our  direction for the second half of the school year.  Our older  four year olds and five year olds are moving from the hundreds to the thousands with our more advanced math works,  practicing writing and working with three letter words. Our class as a whole has good letter recognition, so we’re all working with letter sounds. We worked with b and g and the short vowels.  We are using more of our spelling works that don’t rely on pencil grip and building our pencil skills as well.

The Frog Wore Red Suspenders is a delightful book of rhymes set in various cities in the USA.  Our new wooden states puzzle is one of our favorite works and we use our atlas to find all the cities in the poems.  We’ve integrated our atlas and wooden maps into our owl curriculum by finding habitat locations on maps.  Another aspect of our owl curriculum was working with our tray of circles of differing sizes as we planned our owl costumes.  The study of owls was promised to our owl curious students when we finished our living things curriculum in December and discussed migration and hibernation.  Owls are winter birds and several nest locally near our school, so January was the right time to indulge everything owl.  Stay tuned for our completed curriculum and costume in early February.


Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 1

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