Islands and Palm Trees

| June 24, 2016

This weeks theme at Montessori was Island Vacation. We talked about islands being surrounded by water or how an island had “water on all sides”, how many islands are warm or tropical and we also made a few island crafts. The first craft is a pineapple. We used Q-tips and paint to make them. lukeOn Friday we made palm trees using our hands! Artwork usually stays up for a week and is sent home the following Friday but always make sure there is no art left in your child’s cubby at the end of the day. (This week we have a rainstick in our cubbies)

Music will now be every Monday during the summer, as we will be welcoming a new music teacher! Also please remember that Wednesdays are splash day and Fridays our themed dress-up days! As always thank you for your support and encouragement!

CH 1-2

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