Keeping Cool

| June 11, 2017

This week in Children’s House 2-1 we continued to work on our challenges as well as had some fun in the water to keep cool. This week the children were given new work sheets to help them complete various challenges. The older children worked on their addition and number recognition while the younger ones worked on counting, pattern and shape recognition.
In addition we had Splash Day so the children could enjoy the water on our hot days we had this week. Sprinklers were set out so they could run through them and have fun while staying cool!
The children also were able to do some exciting and creative art projects to learn about Africa. They made binoculars to go on a safari hunt to explore the many animals that are in Africa. They also made their own elephant trunks as a another part of their art project to help them learn more about Africa.
Finally on Friday we enjoyed our Show and Share and many of them children brought fun and exciting toys!











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