Kites and Kittens

| December 2, 2016

This week was all about the letter K in Toddler Room 1. We began the week talking all about Kisses. We read two books, “Kiss Kiss” and “Perfect Kisses”. We then ate pieces of yummy Hershey Kisses! Next we talked about Kittens. We held our stuff kitten in class and the toddlers made meow sounds with her. We did coloring pages of kittens. Kites were the most fun for the toddlers. We made Kites and ran around the playground as the kites lifted off of the ground and flew. The toddlers had an absolute blast! This week we also got a new slide that is perfect Toddler size!!!img_2753 img_8521 img_8623 img_0609

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Category: Toddler Room 1

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