Leaping into March

| March 3, 2016

adil sourLast week CH 1-2 focused on the letter s. We listened to many different
sounds from nature and some of our favorite automobiles. We also played a game called salty, sweet or sour. Each child tried all three
flavors and had to decide which s adjective fit the food. They discussed among themselves sonysuntil they all agreed. It was great fun for them and for me! This week is the first week of the month of March. So, that means numbers week! We are counting to 40 and trying to remember the counting order. We made a new rainbow counting work that has been a hit with everyone!

P.S. Remember to vote Montessori Academy of Carrboro as the BEST preschool in Orange County! There is information in the lobby on how to vote!

As always, thank you for your support and encouragement.


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Category: Transition Room 2

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