Let’s Go Outside!

| December 3, 2022

Dr. Maria Montessori herself understood the important role of nature and outdoor. In an ideal world, there would be no separation between the indoor and outdoor classroom. The obvious reason why outdoor play is so important is because it promotes physical development. Activities like running, jumping, and kicking, are essential for developing skills like balance, depth perception, and coordination. Rigorous outdoor activity can have further benefits on the child’s cardiovascular health and overall life!

The outside world presents plenty of opportunities for fine motor development, too. The simple act of picking a dandelion requires complex fine motor skills. More structured activities such as collecting pebbles, tracing letters in the sand, or sorting colored leaves can assist in math and hand-eye coordination. There also an abundance in sensory, cognitive, and social skills children gain from being outside!

CH-2 has been spending a lot of time outside. We get the chance to get our sillies out. Yet, we are really giving our mind and bodies a boost! Our motto is, “There is no bad weather, just bad clothes.” We suggest heavy coats and rain boots while being in CH-2. Check us out below!

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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