Living Things Need Air

| November 16, 2015

599Before Halloween, we spent a week learning the difference between Living and Non-Living things.  On Monday, we reread our books on the subject and Tuesday we began the next part of our science curriculum: What Living Things Need.  Living Things need Air.  When we’re working with a concept we revisit it a few times during circle and reading time during the week. We practiced all kinds of silly and calming breathing during our circle times.  And we began working with our emotion chart during circle time to notice how our bodies and moods feel each morning.  We reached 40 in our morning tens based mathematics and got to add another ten bundle on our way to 100. All week our students were obsessed with counting. They counted and sorted frogs, they counted the number of dinosaurs on the pages of books and they counted marbles and spider rings in our sorting works.  In our new classroom, we are able to do Montessori pouring works, which help our students with hand and eye coordination but also with proportions and building the foundation for fractions. Many of our students became interested in our Geometric Tray, while others worked together on wetland and garden floor puzzles. With so many rainy days, we had time to play musical chairs, make up dinosaur games and read many silly and serious books together.

The Partnership for the Arts made their yearly visit and this painting of “Night” is one of the many beautiful things our students made with them.


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