Living Things Need Homes

| December 16, 2015

blog home week 1Living Things Need Homes and all sorts of homes.  Home is such a vast subject, we’re taking two weeks to explore it.  This week we read about the kinds of houses that people have built throughout history and how houses are built today. We made lists of non-living things we find in our houses. In one of our books, Good Night World, a young child explored his house and yard in the dark with his amazing talking cat. We collaged houses as our art project one day, but our students are so fascinated with reptiles that in the spirit of allowing the students’ curiosity to lead, we also started a much larger project of creating a snake den.  They chose Snakes Live in Grass as one of our books for the week and we looked at the atlas and talked about snake habitats all over the world. We each collaged and painted snakes individually. As a class we used sponges and white and black paint to make a rock outcropping for our snakes. Working with just black and white paint helps student in learning how to mix other colors and use shading in art.  We read about animals other than snakes as well.  Friday we did another color mixing and sponge painting activity and learned how to mix primary colors into secondary colors.  Our sample sheets are being shredded for material for next weeks’ house project.

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Category: Preschool Room 1

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