Living Things Need Light

| November 16, 2015

605The Montessori classroom is full of works waiting to peak students’ interest.  While the counting rods are simple, they can engage childrens’ focus.  Earlier this year, one of our returning students requested that we work with them as a group and this week several newer students spent time exploring their many uses and through that the concepts of length and proportion.  The rods are also interesting because they are long and unwieldy and learning to carry them safely in a small space is part of the intrigue. Our dressing frames also merited much attention this week and we can all hope everyone will be able to zip their own coats and buckle their own boots this winter.

Living Things Need Light was our primary text and subject this week.  We talked a lot more about plants and less about animals. This week was also the new or dark moon, so we began charting lunar cycles. We read nonfiction and folk tales about the moon, sponge painted a moonscape and added hand drawn animals, people, machines and monsters to it.  Building on our tens based math during circle time, we added one of the Montessori bead and bar works this week to help our students further visualize numbers and work with the concept of ten.

We often have books available during transition times and conversations around our library are vibrant and constant.  Two or three children will sit on the carpet animatedly discussing dinosaurs or owls or trains together.

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Category: Preschool Room 1

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